Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I just finished watching the finale of Biggest Loser.

Man, it was AWESOME inspirational! When Jerry lost 47.97% - almost all of which was done at home, and Helen lost 54.xx% to become the two winners... Think about it, these were two of the oldest 'biggest losers' they've had on the show.

Y'know, I asked whether I could be a contestant and they flat said no. I'm 51, weigh 570 pounds and just am not fit enough. After the scare they had with Jerry, I get the idea they aren't sure it's worth the risk. Still, if I can get an aerobics program started at home, I may be able to lose an equivalent amount of weight. For me, that means I could lose 250-285 pounds. The thought just boggles my mind!

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